Welcome to MY mommy hood! This is a new experience for me, as is probably the case for many of you first time mothers out there, feel free to share with me and others your ups, downs, laughs, smiles, and everything in-between. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is it normal to lose hair like this?

Soo.... for the past month or so I have noticed that my hair is falling out more than usual. I know each day we lose a certain amount of  hair but lately there has been a huge amount of hair that seems to be falling out. :/ ahhh!! I hope this is somewhat normal?!.. I'm not sure if it's because I wear my hair up in a ponytail everyday all day, so baby girl won't pull it or have hair all in her face but hopefully it will stop soon. 


  1. One of the perks of pregnancy :) Mine is really falling out now too, I look in the shower and think I must be losing it all!

  2. Hair loss peaks around 4 months post-partum! My DD will be 4 months on June 2nd and, literally, I now have a receding hair line. It's normal, but horrible!
