Welcome to MY mommy hood! This is a new experience for me, as is probably the case for many of you first time mothers out there, feel free to share with me and others your ups, downs, laughs, smiles, and everything in-between. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Constipation! uh-oh!!!

Soo... in the hospital I had to supplement with formula while breastfeeding (Enfamil), then once I got out had to switch to Similac Advance. When I finally stopped breastfeeding (which was only for 3 weeks, sad, yes I know) she was completely on Similac Advance and did well for a short while. Then out of no where, she started to scream and turn red every time she tried to make a bowel movement, poor baby, I felt so bad for her. So they said I could switch her to Similac Sensitive, she did way better on this one for about a month or so and then she started to get constipated again. The nurse said I could give her Karo Syrup, suppositories, or apple juice. So I went out and bought all of them, I thought it was too soon to introduce apple juice so I waited on that, I didn't feel comfortable sticking something in her poor little booty (especially since they were huge) so I held off on that as well and used the Karo Syrup.  BOY!, did that help! lol.... She had no problem going, but I was giving it to her at least once a day and felt that it wasn't such a good idea if  I had to give it to her all the time. So I decided that since eventually she would have to learn how to drink water and apple juice that I would go that route instead. So every other day I mix about one ounce of apple juice with a little bit of water and feed that to her when she gets her formula. This helps a lot and isn't so bad for her, well at least thats what I think, I could be wrong. 
Has this happened to you? What did you use to help them not be so constipated?

1 comment:

  1. My son was the same way and i found that adding about 1/4oz of water to each bottle (so instead of 4oz for 2 scoops i add 4 1/4 oz) helps him have regular poops :)
